出洋相 (闹笑话; 出丑) make an exhibition of oneself; make a scene; play the fool; make a (sorry) spectacle of oneself; make oneself a laughingstock for all; bear the cap and bells; cut a poor [miserable] figure 你不要出洋相。 don't make a spectacle of yourself
大出洋相 make an exhibition of oneself; make a bad show; cut [make] a poor [little; ridiculous; sorry] figure 他在大庭广众中大出洋相。 he cut a poor figure on a public occasion
他在大庭广众中大出洋相 he cut a poor figure on a public occasion
出洋 [旧时用语] (到国外去) go abroad 出洋留学 go abroad to pursue one's studies; study abroad
洋相 silly sight; awkward behaviour 洋相百出 make a spectacle of oneself; 出洋相 make an exhibition of oneself
体面 1.(体统) dignity; propriety; face 有失体面 be a loss of face2.(光荣) honourable; creditable; respectable 体面的外表 respectable appearance; 不体面的行为 disgraceful conduct3.(好看) handsome; good-looking 长得体面 be handsome